Email notifications about new tasks and messages

Created: 2016-07-15
Last updated: 2016-07-15
Post view count: 2599

You can receive email notifications about all new items, such as emails, tasks and internal comments, which appear on your Sugester account. This option can be enabled by going to Settings in the top-right corner and selecting Account settings. The relevant options are marked in red on the screenshot below:

As you can see, there are several options you can adjust.
  • Enable notifications - toggle notifications on or off;
  • Enable notifications for unassigned tickets - toggle whether you want notifications to be sent about emails and tasks without an owner;
  • Notification frequency - notifications can be sent instantly, once an hour, or once a day;
  • User responsible for unassigned items - if you have enabled notifications about unassigned tickets, you can select which users on your account will receive them.


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