New in Sugester - August 2016

Created: 2016-09-16
Last updated: 2016-09-16
Post view count: 3364

1. Custom fields in the Deals module

Many of you have asked us to add custom fields to the Deals module - and we listened. Starting with the beginning of August, you can personalize your Deals with up to 10 custom fields of each available type (text, long text, number, real number, date, date + time, chceckbox). To do that, simply go to the 'Deals' menu on the top pane, click 'Options' in the rop right corner and select 'Add custom field' from the drop-down menu.

2. Custom field merge fix

We have discovered and fixed a bug which caused the contents of custom fields on client sheets to be lost when merging two or more clients.

3. Projects within departments fix

Departments are a central part of Sugester's privilege and access management system. We have removed an inconsistency in how this part of our software works: until now projects within departments were visible to the project's members even if they did not have access to that project's department. After introducing this fix only users who have been invited both to a project and its department can view it.

4. Better notifications

We're continously working to make the notifications interface in Sugester smoother and more usable. This month we managed to removed a small bug which led to users occassionally seeing 'ghost notifications' - notifications which were not linked with any task or email. We hope that this fix will make managing your workload within Sugester easier than ever.

5. Better linking between recurring tasks and client sheets

Recurring tasks are a simple way to schedule cyclical reminders about something that needs to be done on a regular basis. We've improved the recurring tasks interface to make it easier to toggle between the recurring task and the client it's assigned to.

6. Increased message limit in email threads

We've increased the limit of messages in a single email thread to 100. If this limit is exceeded, the thread is split into two threads; the 'new' thead retains the old one's status, ticket number and all other properties. This means that you can easily maintain continuity of communications even in extremely long email exchanges.

7. Increased length limit in activity descriptions

We've also increased the maximum number of characters which you can enter into the description field when adding an activity to a client sheet. The limit is now 2048 characters (or about 2/3 of a Word page), which gives you plenty of space to describe even long meetings in detail.

8. Better checkbox value display

We've added an icon showing the value of custom checkboxes added to your client sheets. The value used to be displayed as a text string saying either 'true' or 'false' for checked and unchecked checkboxes respectively. From now this will be displayed as either a tick or a minus sign.

9. Text formatting in contact notes

Each client sheet can have multiple 'contacts', consisting of an email address, phone nuber, name, description and so on. We've introduced a small change to the 'description' part - you can now format its contents using italics, underscores, bold etc.

10. Better pinning of timesheet entries to tasks

The timesheet is a classic tool of workplace reporting. We've improved the way it works in Sugester: when creating a timesheet entry pinned to a task, you no longer see a complete list of all tasks ever created on your entire Sugester account - only non-deleted tasks assigned to you are displayed.

11. Custom fields in the Projects module

We've extended the Projects module with the ability to add custom fields. Like with every other module, you can add up to 10 fields of each kind.

12. Easier email redirection to Sugester

One of the main things you have to do when setting up Sugester is configure an email redirect to a special email address tied to your Sugester account. Until now, all yout mailboxes had to be redirected to the same Sugester address ( which could lead to some confusion. Starting from now, you can redirect every mailbox to a separate sugester mailbox, for example: if you want to start receiving mail from the address '' using your '' account, you can redirect your mail both to '' and ''.

13. New payment reports

A new button has appeared on the client sheet - it's marked + Payment. This new feature allows you to enter one-time or recurring payments from your clients and review them in the Reports module.

14. More obvious marking of emails with attachments

We've added a small visual improvement to the way emails are displayed within a thread - a small paperclip icon now appears on the left-hand side of the emails which contain attachments.

15. More detailed change log on client sheets

All changes made to a client sheet - such as adding a new contact, changing the client's name or uploading an avatar - are now displayed in a separate box on the client sheet. This way you can easily find out who made a specific change to a client's info and roll back if necessary.

16. Easier post sharing

We've made post sharing in Sugester even easier - we've reduced the number of actions required to just two clicks. Simply click the gear menu on the right-hand side of the email or task you want to share, and then click on the 'Copy to clipboard' button next to the 'Share post' entry on the list.

17. Department selection in the Forms module

The forms module gives you an option to automatically create a task containing the information gathered using the form. We've added a way to select which department the task should be assigned to - this way you can stop these tasks from being seen by unauthorized users.


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