API documentation
Last updated: 2018-02-27
Post view count: 3469
Sugester API
You can use our open API to integrate your app or service with Sugester.
The API lets you add objects (e-mails, tasks, forum posts) to your Sugester account.
API token
To obtain an API authorization code (API TOKEN), login to your Sugester account and go to Settings > API. This enables you to use the API without providing your login and password with each call.
Example API call
Adding a post of the kind 'error':
curl http://your-prefix.sugester.pl/app/posts.json \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d ' { "api_token": "API_TOKEN", "post": { "title":"post title2", "content": "post content 2", "kind": "error" } }'
Object specification
{ "id": post ID number, "title": post title , "content": post content, "kind": post kind ('suggestion', 'error', 'question', 'praise', 'private'), "user_id": user ID, "points": number of points (if voting is enabled on forum), "nick": user nickname, "votes_cache": number of upvotes for post, "comments_cache": number of comments on post, "forum_id": forum ID, "category_id": category ID, "created_at": time of creation, "updated_at": time of last modification, "ip": poster's IP address, "agent": browser user agent info, "response": highlited response, "response_user_id": ID of the responding user, "referrer": refferer, "responsible_id": ID of the person assigned to deal with post, "last_action_status": posts's status ("created"), "email": sender's email, "uid": user token, "spam_kind": spam type, "answer": content of reply, "answered": either yes or no, "duplicate_from_id": ID of another post that this post is a duplicate of, "abstract": abstract / summary, "status_id": status ID, "view_count": view count, "tags": tags, "facebook_likes": number of FB likes received, "min_votes_to_start": vote threshold to implement feature, "use_html": enable HTML tags in post, "email_to": recipient's email address, "email_cc": carbon copy email address, "email_bcc": blind carbon copy email address, "spam_score": spam score, "spam_report": spam report, "closed": is the post closed (true/false), "scheduled_at": scheduled date of implementation, "task_kind": task type ('feedback', 'email', 'task', 'help', 'chat', 'phone', 'lead', 'error', 'idea'), "priority": priority, "title_note": null, "user_spam_report": user spam report, "client_id": client ID, "project_id": project ID, "help_link": help link key, "help_content": help content, "post_id": parent post ID, "www": poster's website address, "private": is the post private (true/false), "unread": is the post unread (true/false), "email_recipient": who is the post's recipient (used in email), "email_reply_to": reply to address (used in email) }
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