Timesheet - working hours

Created: 2018-03-09
Last updated: 2018-04-16

Post view count: 1852

The working hours report is a powerful tool that will allow you to track and manage in detail how your work day has transpired.  

In this article, you'll find:

  • what is a timesheet
  • what data you are able to monitor based on the report
  • how to register time spent working for a given task


Data displayed in the timesheet 

On the lower end of your screen three positions will be shown: sum of hours (the sum of all the hours spent working that fulfill all the selected criteria), projects (sum of hours spent working that fulfill all the projects) and customers (sum of hours spent working that fulfill all the criteria for a given customer). 

In the top right corner of your screen you will find a button ‘Add hours’, this will enable you to fill out the time spent working for a specified day. After clicking on the button you will be taken to a screen where you can fill out the name, duration, date, project, client, description, note and tags regarding your task/tasks.

On the right side of the screen you will be able to see a list of activities in a chronological order - from the earliest to the latest. Every activity is supplemented by information such as the date and hour of the task, the type of task and its title (if the activity is regarding an email, a knowledge database topic or a forum suggestion). For more information about activities please consult the database - ‘Activity report’. 


  • How much time a given employee has spent on a given project during a day
  • How much time a given employee has spent on a given customer during the week 
  • How much time an employee spends on a group of tasks during a day/week 


Registering time spent working 

From any place in the system click on Shortcuts > Track time

From the inbox click the cogwheel next to an email 

Except for the fully automated working time registration based on activities within Sugester, you can also use the ‘manual’ time registration feature. This feature is especially useful when you are billing your customer based on the number of hours spent working. Our time trackers allows you to easily determine how many hours and minutes a given person spent devoted to a given task, project or client. The timer can be activated in two ways: 

After clicking any of the options we will see a Time registration window. It will look as follows: 

In the panel above you can add a description for the registration (i.e. “Writing support articles”) as well as the ‘value’ from which you want to start the tracking. By default this value is zero, however, if we have already spent a few hours but forgot to activate the tracker, we can easily set the timer to the appropriate value. Here we can also set the tracker to a specified project or client. After filling out all the information all we have to do is hit Save and the timer will start working. From this moment on the actual value of the timer will be displayed in your Sugester tab and next to your Login. It will look as follows:

All the trackers are added and summed in the working time report.


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