Tasks' statuses

Created: 2018-06-21
Last updated: 2018-06-21

Post view count: 2169

Sugester allows you to create your own tasks' statuses. It means that except of adding a task priority, you can also define a stage of your task - and for that you can use statuses. To create new statuses, select Settings > Account settings > Statuses

By default system will display a window with clients' statuses, but if you unfold an arrow next to the cog icon, you will also see 'Task statuses'

Click on Task statuses > New status and add as many statuses as you need to manage your tasks.

While adding new status, you can define its name and colour, and also mark if particular status should resolve a task.
Remember that on your status list at least one status must resolve a task. By default it's a 'Resolve' status. You can also change the name of default status or add your own and mark 'Ticket closed' checkbox.



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