Displaying deals in the calendar

Created: 2018-07-30
Last updated: 2019-12-10

Post view count: 1665

If your business field is eg. catering, booking or events, you surely realize, how important good planning is. But negotiations not always end up with signing the contract. To keep the order and focus on confirmed, not potential deals, it's good to use the feature Show deal on calendar only if date is provided.

This feature makes it easy to find deals with spiecified deadline. Just select Settings > CRM settings > Deals and mark Show deal on calendar only if date is provided checkbox. This way on the calendar you will only see deals with filled Date field.

After activating this feature don't forget to fill out deal's date.

If you don't want to add a date every time, select Settings > CRM settings > Deals. Mark the checkbox Set deals date to create date if no other provided - this way, even if you forget to fill out the date, the system will select the date of saving the deal. Thanks to this feature deals will still be displayed in the calendar.



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