Autocall widget for your website, timesheet export to xls file, tags for VoIP and much more - summary of September in Sugester

Created: 2018-10-16
Last updated: 2018-10-16

Post view count: 1401

Last month not only few new features showed up (the ones you've asked us many times before), like timesheet export to xls file or tags for VoIP calls. September's newness is most of all a revolution for all VoIP users and people, who are about to start using VoIP. We've shared with you an amazing tool, which helps in increasing sales in your companies and generate more leads. We're talking about autocall - automatic call back to a client in 30 seconds! Interested? Learn more!

1. Increase your sale with Autocall feature

An amazing tool showed up in Sugester, which will help you increase the sale, meet clients expectations, and get closer with current customers. It's autocall - automatic call back to a client, who's left a phone number. The system, after a client filled the window with phone number, will call him/her back automatically in no time - in only 30 seconds.

How does it work?

It's very simple: In VoIP configuration you're adding Autocall Widget, and you input the generated script on your website. Widget's job is to increase page's views and generate additional leads. In what way? 

- a potential client clicks on the handset icon on your website
- a client inputs a phone number in the window on the screen
- Sugester automatically connects your employee with a client, who just left a phone number
- your employee and a potential client are talking over the phone :)

Even if your potential client is interested with a call, but has no free time at the moment, Sugester enables him/her to leave a phone number and select a chosen date and hour for a call

Additionally, in Autocall configuration you can decide, if the widget will be displayed on your website only during working hours, or 24/7.

2. Export your timesheet to xls file

A lot of our clients value exports to xls files, mostly for analysis, updates or reports. That's why in Sugester you can export data like emails, clients, contacts or deals. In September we've also added possibility to export working hours report to xls. You often told us, that this feature is very important, so we're happy to announce, that it's available from now on!

Look how easy it is to export timesheet in Sugester:

* go to Reports > All reports > Timesheets
* select a user, for whom you want to generate the report
* select dates for timesheet report
* click on Search, and then Download xls

Data export will start, and after it's finished you can open the file in xls, by clicking on Download.

Timesheet in xls you can use for settlements with your employees or with clients.

3. Mark your calls with VoIP tags

Sugester finally enables tagging VoIP calls. Short key words added to each call makes it easier to search for interesting information, which you can use for reports or analysis of calls. With tags you can describe a call with one word (or more), so people from your team or a superviser know, which topic is the most important for your clients. And after tagging calls, when you know your clients' needs, you can quickly create a knowledge base with FAQ :)

4. Give access to contacts and its correspondence to chosen departments

If you use departments in your Sugester account you will be happy to learn, that from now on you can assign contacts to departments. Each contact may be assign to a particular department or have no department. Thanks to this feature, each employee sees only contacts and correspondence from his/her department and has only information thet he/she should have . Remember, that clients' contacts are depending from a client, when it comes to departments. It means that when a client is in 'Marketing' department, each new contact will also be assign to this department.

This way makes it easier to manage access and keep the information flow.


5. New possibilities in 'merging clients'

Even the most organised company may have some duplicated records in clients' database. Sometimes it's a result of spelling mistake or few email addresses your client used for contact. Luckily when something like that happens, you can use 'Merge clients' feature. On clients' list just mark with checkbox records you want to merge into one, and then click on 'Merge' from the top panel, above the list. From now on you can also select the main client, which means, that his/her data will write over information from other clients' cards. Comfortable, isn't it :)?

That's it when it comes to September's new features. If you want to learn all of them, check out our Latest changes.


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