Task's pop up window customization

Created: 2018-10-29
Last updated: 2018-10-29

Post view count: 1956

In Sugester you can adjust tasks' pop up window to your company's needs.

To do so, select Settings > Account settings > Advanced > section Field modification in task's popup.

You will find here a table with all fields for new task's window. You can also decide, how big the field will be.

You can select, which fields should be visible in the pop up right away, which ones after clicking 'More options', and which ones should be hidden completely.

This way a new task's pop up will be clearer for your employees and task's creation won't take too long.

After selecting all fields remember about saving the changes.

Note:  If you hide possibility to assign tasks to deals, projects or clients, because you don't need that everyday, in special occasions it still will be possible.

In task's window:

Or directly from deal/project/client:


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