Adding tags to VoIP calls

Created: 2018-10-30
Last updated: 2018-10-30

Post view count: 3208

From now on you can tag your VoIP calls in Sugester.

Thanks to this feature you will easily find a particular conversation (eg. connected to a specified topic), but you will also be able to group your calls with clients.

If you want to share the access to tagging calls with your employees, select Settings > VoIP configuration > and mark the checkbox 'Use VoIP tags'

Save the changes.

From now on, after clicking on a pencil icon by the VoIP call you will be able to add a note, but also a tag:

In the VoIP search, on the left side, we've added possibility to search for calls by tags:

Note! You cannot have a space in your tag. If you want a tag to contain more than one word, use a dash.


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