Email/text notification about job interview/meeting

Created: 2019-04-19
Last updated: 2019-04-19

Post view count: 2478

When you work with customers it's important to keep the information flow. If you're scheduling a meeting or an interview, make sure a person gets pointers with a meeting date, place and subject. It's good to text or email a person you're meeting. This way the receiver will be able to double check the details and remind himself what is the meeting about.

Sugester enables sending texts or emails automatically to remind your client about the meeting - it may help with decreasing the number of cancelled visits.

The script described below will activate sending emails/texts with a reminder about a meeting, when defined conditions meet: a client has particular status (in our case client.status_id is 48634), a client was edited, and before edition had other status than 48634.

Before you set the macro:
  • check the ID of the status you would like to use (learn how to do it here)
  • create an email template which will be sent automatically when a condition meets; in our case it's Job interview's date (learn how to add a template here)
Next, go to Settings > Account Settings > Automation > Macros and filters > New filter

Fill in the name, in the Kind field select Change action in clients

In the Condition script write down:

var id = 48634;
client.status_id == id && client.status_id_was != client.status_id && client.id_was != null

In the Action script write down:

var sms = "You will receive the date of the first stage of the job interview on your email address" +;
var template_name = 'Job interview date';
var date = client.datetime1;
var time = date.substr(11, 5);
date = date.substr(0, 10);

var template_parmas = {date: date, time: time};
Sugester.send_sms(, sms);
Sugester.send_email(, '', '', {template_name: template_name,  email_from: '' ,params: template_parmas});


template_parmas - are variables which will be read by the template


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