'Date' field automatic filling after creating a new client
Last updated: 2019-04-19
Last updated: 2019-04-19
Post view count: 2405
The first contact with a potential client is extremely important. You build new relation since the very beginning, from the moment of saving new record in your client's database. It doesn't matter if you have a large group of traders, or you're just about to start with your business, it's always good to know your clients needs. A well known, old-fashion way to learn that is just to call a client.
Sugester will help you to make sure that each new record in your CRM was called. All that with a simple macro you can set in your account.
For instance, if you want to reach your client 2 days after he/she created an account, started a demo version or bought something, Sugester will automatically fill in the custom field with a 2 days later date, after a client was created in the system. So you don't have to do it manually. What's more, you can easily display 'to call' contact list with a simple search in clients.
Macro will work only when a new client will be created and the custom field won't be filled in (in our case date1).
Before you set the macro:
In the Condition script write down:
In the Action script write down:
Sugester will help you to make sure that each new record in your CRM was called. All that with a simple macro you can set in your account.
For instance, if you want to reach your client 2 days after he/she created an account, started a demo version or bought something, Sugester will automatically fill in the custom field with a 2 days later date, after a client was created in the system. So you don't have to do it manually. What's more, you can easily display 'to call' contact list with a simple search in clients.
Macro will work only when a new client will be created and the custom field won't be filled in (in our case date1).
Before you set the macro:
- add to a client's profile custom field 'date', which will be filled in automatically when action's script conditions meet. It will help you to monitor the time you should call your client
- check the system name of the 'date' custom field - learn more here
In the Condition script write down:
client.id_was == null && client.date1 == null
In the Action script write down:
var now = new Date()
var someDate = new Date()
someDate.setDate(now.getDate() + 2)
var dd = someDate.getDate();
var mm = someDate.getMonth() + 1;
var y = someDate.getFullYear();
var someFormattedDate = y + '-'+ mm + '-'+ dd;
Sugester.update_client(client.id, {date1: someFormattedDate})
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