Learn new features: extended search in email campaigns, priorities in client's portal, more info in email templates list

Created: 2019-04-26
Last updated: 2019-04-30

Post view count: 1235

We've got a fresh dose of new features in Sugester. Check it out:

1. Extended search in email campaigns

If you're using our Email campaign feature frequently, you must have noticed new fields in the browser at the left side of the list.. From now on you can search for a particular campaign not only by a phrase, but also by it's kind and user, who created it. With all of that you will easily check, how effective your campaign was, but the most important, you don't waste your time to find the one you want to edit or archive.
Additionally, we've also expended search by phrase, and if you write down a word or its part, the system will look for it in the title, content, mailbox or creator. Huge time saver, isn't it:)

Learn more in Email campaign browser

2. Priorities in client's portal

Our client's portal is getting more popular each day, that's why, from now and then, we're trying to update it a little. Lately we informed you about portal's new interface, and today's news is that you can also display task's priority. A coloured star next to the post, visible in the CRM's tasks and the portal, will make your work much easier, because now your client doesn't have to ask about his report's priority and how long does it take to resolve it. But he can also intervene if he thinks the priority is not as high as it should be, so you better remember to mark it correctly :)

Learn more about the portal here.

3. More info in email templates list

Last but not least, few words about new columns in the email templates list - Updated at and Updater. Additional information about last updates enables you to quickly verify who and when did the last changes and if a template is still valid. It helps avoiding situation, when a client receives outdated info. Updater column will display an author of the last change, so you can request an explanation.

Learn more about templates here.

That's it for now, but stay tuned :)


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