Problems with the flashing 'confirm/ok' pop up in the system
Last updated: 2019-06-27
Last updated: 2019-06-27
Post view count: 3500
There's an error in the newest Google Chrome version, which may cause problems with 'confirm/ok' pop up in Sugester. Pop up may flash everywhere the system requires a confirmation of your action, eg. when you want to create an export and need to click on 'ok'. It may be flashing in the way you won't be able to continue.
An error is global and appears mostly in the Chrome 75 version.
The problem has been reported to Google, you can find a report link below:
To all of you, who suffered because of that problem, we recommend using an older version of Chrome - 74, or changing a browser to another one, eg. Firefox. Here: you can find more info on how to install the previous version of Chrome
Note! In the report sent to Google there's an information, that problems can also appear in Firefox 67.0 and Mac OS X 10.14, however in Sugester we've only noticed an error with Chrome 75.
An error is global and appears mostly in the Chrome 75 version.
The problem has been reported to Google, you can find a report link below:
To all of you, who suffered because of that problem, we recommend using an older version of Chrome - 74, or changing a browser to another one, eg. Firefox. Here: you can find more info on how to install the previous version of Chrome
Note! In the report sent to Google there's an information, that problems can also appear in Firefox 67.0 and Mac OS X 10.14, however in Sugester we've only noticed an error with Chrome 75.
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