Departments in forms

Created: 2019-06-28
Last updated: 2019-07-18

Post view count: 3480

Lately we've added a new feature in forms. From now on forms with results can be assigned to a particular department, so only users with an access to a department could see them.

With this update you might want to change access settings for chosen users, so please learn more below about new function.

In the Forms settings you will now see two fields with departments:

- Assign to department field - available when you select mapping kind to a client or task only (the department field will be displayed after selecting a mapping type). After assigning a mapped form to a chosen department, like Marketing, tasks and clients created by this form will be in Marketing department, but the form and its results won't be assigned to any department. This way, users with No department privilege will see them

Note! After the update, each form that hasn't been mapped is by default assigned to 'No department'. So if you don't see a form, which you have seen before, please check first whether you have access to 'No department' in your profile.



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