How to send emails from Sugester keeping a copy of the email on your own inbox (SMTP).

Created: 2018-04-12
Last updated: 2022-07-18

Post view count: 1862

Note: saving outgoing messages does not work for all email providers. Messages sent by the SMTP protocol are saved and sent only in Gmail. 

To send emails using Sugester and keeping a copy of the correspondence in your current mailbox at the same time - navigate to Settings > Email configuration > Email boxes, and select the mailbox that you want to configure.

The SMTP option can be found at the bottom of the screen. After selecting Use your own SMTP mail, select the corresponding email provider, fill in all the fields and click Save.

An example configuration for

After saving the configuration every email that you send from the Sugester helpdesk will be displayed simultaneously in your other inbox.

Gmail users should also accustom themselves with this suggestion on the Gmail webpage and allow access to their inbox from this page.

Gmail users should also set up 2-step verification on their Gmail account. Here you have some tips on how to turn on 2-step verification
To create the password you will use to set Gmail as SMTP, navigate to Security -> Password on your google account. More information you will find

After creating the password, copy it and go to your Sugester account, ​​navigate to Settings > Email configuration > Email boxes and check the box “I want to use my own SMTP mailbox”. As a provider choose “Gmail”. In the field “login” enter login to your Gmail mailbox and in the field “password” enter 16-character code.

Prior to adding a mailbox, make sure that you have enabled the SMTP protocol for your mailbox in the settings panel of your web hosting service provider. Intertele and Interia, among others, require this.

Before adding a mailbox, also make sure you have enabled SMTP protocol for your mailbox in the settings panel of your web hosting service provider. 


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