How to delete your Sugester account?

Created: 2018-04-25
Last updated: 2019-12-20

Post view count: 2136

If you want to delete your Sugester account, just select Settings > Account settings > on the bottom of the website Delete account. Remember that only account's owner can delete it.

Note! Deleting account is irreversable. Remember to export all of your important data before deleting account - you won't be able to do it afterwards.

After pressing the button system once again will ask you, if you want to delete your account. Is you say 'yes', then you will receive an email to confirm it. From now on you have 7 days to reverse it - after this period it will be deleted with all of its data. If you confirmed deleting account, you will see a note with a date of permanent deleting. Under the note you will find a short survey. Please fill it in so we could know what was the reason for deleting.


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