How to grant tech support access
Last updated: 2019-12-20
Post view count: 1983
You often turn to us with questions regarding help with account settings or to analyze a specific situation on your account.
In order to keep your data safe and to respect your privacy we have added a feature which enables us to maintain these standards whilst granting us the ability to help you indirectly when asked.
By default each newly created account in Sugester grants our tech support team unrestricted access. If you wish, you can restrict access only for a specified period of time (i.e. in order to resolve an issue). Navigate to Settings > Account settings > Advanced and mark the checkbox .
Do keep in mind that after restricting tech support access, everytime that you require our assistance you will first have to grant us access prior to us being able to help you. However, when granting us with access you can then decide on how long our tech support team will have access to your account.
If you have blocked remote access for our support team then if you want to grant us with temporary access you have to go to Settings > Account settings > press the button Grant temporary tech support access. After clicking the button you will be asked to provide the timeframe.
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