Learn new features: new sorting options, form results browser, quick access from a task to timesheet
Last updated: 2018-11-16
Last updated: 2018-11-16
Post view count: 1331
This week, as new features, we have two additional options in form results and updated timesheet sorting. Learn more!
If you want to learn more about forms, check out Forms and NPS surveys category in our Knowledge Base.
Another convenience for all of you, who use our forms. From now on, if you need to display form results in order from oldest or in alphabetical order by name, you can do it with one click. Just click on a column header which you want to sort. This feature will be handy if you want to check if all fields are filled. After clicking on a column header system will display on the top all results with empty fields, and then, in order, all filled fields. This way you can sort all columns in results, except IP, Login, Client, URL and Attachments.
You can learn more about this feature here: Sorting form results
You can learn more about registering working time here: Timesheet - working hours.
1. Form results browser
If you use Sugester forms, you can easily monitor results thanks to convenient chart. All you have to do is selecting Show results after clicking on a wrench icon on the right side of the form. You can read form by form or just use a new simple browser to find results with eg. specific key words. While browsing for a phrase or a key word, system will check all of fields in the form and will display forms with selected key word/phrase. It's a time saving feature and easy way to monitor form results.If you want to learn more about forms, check out Forms and NPS surveys category in our Knowledge Base.
2. Sorting form results
Another convenience for all of you, who use our forms. From now on, if you need to display form results in order from oldest or in alphabetical order by name, you can do it with one click. Just click on a column header which you want to sort. This feature will be handy if you want to check if all fields are filled. After clicking on a column header system will display on the top all results with empty fields, and then, in order, all filled fields. This way you can sort all columns in results, except IP, Login, Client, URL and Attachments.You can learn more about this feature here: Sorting form results
3. Quick access to timesheet from open task
Sometimes it's not possible to complete your task at once - so you do it partly. By registering time you/'ve spent working, later you can easily see how much time did it take. It comes handy if you want to prepare a pricing for your client. From now on, with one click you can from open task to your timesheet, where you will see a sum of hours spent for this task only, divided into days. Just click on Time worked in the left corner, between task's title and content.You can learn more about registering working time here: Timesheet - working hours.
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