Sharing email threads with coworkers without access

Created: 2018-12-14
Last updated: 2018-12-14

Post view count: 1592

Thanks to this feature you can easily share email threads with your coworkers and not care about their privileges. In Sugester using departments, roles or private email boxes is quite restricted. It means that if the message is assigned to a certain department, then no one outside of this department will see the message. If a user doesn't have an access to helpdesk in his/her role, then he/she won't see any emails. The same is with private email boxes - only their owners can see its content.

But sometimes someone outside of your department, or without access to your email box, has to have an insight into your private email, or even respond to it. In this case all you have to do is share the message with him/her. You can do it in your inbox, by clicking on the cog icon by the right side and selecting Share post for coworkers.

After selecting this option, an email you want to share will be opened in a new browser window. Copy its URL address (eg. and share it with a chosen user.

With this feature you can share posts:
  • with a person from a different department
  • with a person who doesn't have access to emails (unmarked 'inbox' role)
  • with a person with no access to the Unassigned folder (unmarked 'Can access others' items in their department(s)' role)
  • with a person with access to own posts ('User restricted to helpdesk' role)
  • from your private email box


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