Learn new features: expended mapping type, existing mailbox verification, small changes in internal comments

Created: 2019-01-22
Last updated: 2019-01-23

Post view count: 1249

This week we've added few extensions to our features which opens new possibilities for you:) Learn more!

1. Extended task mapping in forms

As you know, in Sugester you can create your own forms, which you can add later to your website. You can also create a form with a use of advanced configuration. One of its stages is mapping, that means choosing, what will happen in your account after someone fills in your form. You have three mapping types: emails, task, client. With this settings, after filling a form, a client can be added to the system (mapping: client), you can get an email (mapping: email) or a task may be created (mapping: task). And that's what we've extended - mapping to tasks. From now on, a task created from a form can also have assigned priority, a user who will be responsible for resolving it and a client, who filled in the form. All because of fields priority, client and assigned to. This kind of form will be perfect eg. as a complaint form at your website or internal form to report errors to the tech department. These are only 2 possibilities, but you can do much more  :)

Learn more here: Advanced form configuration.

2. Existing mailbox (assigned to another account) verification

We've also updated mailbox adding proccess if a mailbox already exists in another Sugester's account. Turns out it happened quite often - when you create a test account, add a mailbox eg. email@mycompany.com, after tests you create a default account where you also want to add the same mailbox. In such cases the system used to block possibility to add a mailbox to the other account, because mailbox with the same domain and prefix can be active in one Sugester's account only. You had to reach us for help, which made the whole proccess much longer than it should be. From now on you can handle this situation yourself, all you have to do is to verify the mailbox. If you verify the mailbox in one account, the mailbox will be disabled at the other.

You can learn more here: Can I add the same mailbox in two different Sugester's accounts?           

3. Small changes in internal comments

We also inform you about this small interface changes, so there will be no doubt what exactly is changing - whether it's only displaying or a name, or feature's way of working. Today it's about this first type - in internal comment's button naming. Till now, to add a new internal comment, you had to click the Send button. But we've heard that some of you are a little bit confused and wondering, if Send means adding a comment or send it to a client. To make it more comfortable for you, we've changed the name of Send button - now it's just Add internal comment. Hope it's clear now:)

Learn more about internal comments here: How to add an internal comment in a single email thread.



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