Text notification - new deal

Created: 2019-04-17
Last updated: 2019-04-18

Post view count: 2485

Does your company provide training services? Or maybe your job is to implement different kinds of software for other companies? Do you need to know about chosen sales opportunities in the CRM? With Sugester it's quite simple - all you have to do is to create an automation which will send you a text message each time a specified deal shows up.

If you have a lot of products or services, notifications about each new deal can be annoying - there's so much of them sometimes. That's why you can set a notification for defined deals only. Maybe you're offering apps implementation which requires your cooperation with subcontractor adn you have to inform him, that a new client is interested in the service? Or you run coaching for VIP clients and need to know about them in the first place?

Just set the right macro in Sugester, mark the number for notifications and write the chosen deal's name. The rest the system will do for you. It will send you a text message with a deal's name and the way to get to it. With this action you can right away click on the link which will tramsfer you to the new deal.

To enable macro, select Settings > Account settings > Automation > Macros and filters > New filter

Fill in filter's name and in the Kind field select Any change in deal - trigger

In the Conditions script paste:

deal.name == 'vip coaching'

In the Action script paste::

var text = "New deal in Sugester: " + deal.name+ ". Deal's ID: " +deal.show_path;

The telepfone number in the action script you have to write down manually

Note: Remember to enable SMSapi integration first


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