Default user's privileges

Created: 2015-07-23
Last updated: 2019-12-16

Post view count: 4214

You can edit users' access levels (privileges) by going to Settings > Users, clicking on the wrench icon to the right of a user's login and choosing Edit from the drop-down list.
There are four privileges available:

  • Guest - sees only public data in the Forum or a Knowledge Base, allowed to post, vote and comment. A guest doesn't have an access to the data inside the system. A guest is displayed on the user's list, but he's/she's not counted as a user and you don't pay for him/her,
  • User with restrictions - has access to tasks and emails assigned to him/her or created by him/her. After login he/she sees only the Tickets module,
  • User - can add/edit posts, clients, projects etc. A user has access to most features displayed on the top bar, but cannot go to Account's Settings and make changes there. A user also cannot send an Email campaign. He/she can create it, but the campaign has to be sent by the owner or administrator,
  • Admin - unlimited privileges, except deleting the account and changing the owner.
If you're the account's owner, then you will see five privileges on the list:

As the owner only you can delete the account and change it's owner - learn more in the article: Changing account's owner.

Remember that with the Max plan you can add your custom privileges - learn more here: Privileges (roles) for users.



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