How to add an email box to Sugester

Created: 2015-11-03
Last updated: 2019-06-19

Post view count: 1897

In Sugester you can send emails from your own email addresses. You can add many email addresses with different domains to your Sugester's account (eg. or To add a new email address to Sugester, do the following.

Note: instructions below allows to send emails from Sugester only. To receive emails from your own email boxes in Sugester, you have to redirect it first. Learn more here: Receiving emails in Sugester.

A new email box you can add in Settings > Email Settings > Email boxes. Click on +New mailbox (or Edit, if you want to make changes in the existing email box):

And what does it mean?

  • E-mail - email address you want to configurate (eg.
  • Name - a name for your receiver to see (eg. John Smith |
  • Email recipients - a user who will receive emails from this email box in his/her Inbox. If you leave the field empty, emails will be in 'Unassigned' folder
  • Users allowed to send from this address - mark users allowed to send emails from this address.
  • Auto BCC emails - recipients to whom a hidden copy will be sent (only if you marked this feature in 'Email settings')
  • I want to use my own SMTP mailbox - check this box if you want to send emails with your email server (eg. 
Default - Sugester's SMTP provider.
Sendgrid - SMTP provider 
Mailgun - SMTP provider 
Emaillabs - SMTP provider
Gmail - select if you use Gmaila or Google Apps for Business
Another provider - select if you're using your own server
  • Footer - you can create a custom footer for each mailbox you set up in Sugester. Feel free to use HTML markup and Handlebars variables
  • Forwarding address - use this address if you want emails from your current email box to be forwarded to Sugester
More options
  • Email assistant - saves your time by forwarding emails from unknown addresses to 'Unassigned' folder.
  • Sending limit per hour - if you use your own SMTP and your server has limits with sending emails, here you can choose how many emails can be sent per hour (applies to email campaigns only)
  • Autoreply - check this box to enable automatic replies for this address. After saving changes all mail sent to this address will receive an automatic reply
  • Email rating - If you enable this option, all e-mails will include a short user satisfaction survey at the end
  • Language - select language you use for writing emails. This feature is important, if you use email rating - the survey will be displayed in a language you choose here
  • Department - if you choose a department, all emails sent to this address will be assigned to a chosen department. It means that only people with access to the department will see emails
  • Project - select a project to which emails will be assigned. It's especially important if you want new messages sent to this address appear in a separate folder in the left-hand inbox menu
  • Client - if you select a client, all emails sent to this address will be automatically assigned to a client from your database. 
  • Task kind - select, if you want incoming emails to be considered by the system as emails (default), error report, or tasks to resolve
  • Tracking host domain - Sugester allows to track openings of emails and clicks in links in emails. If you don't wan't to do it through domain, use Email Tracking White Label feature. To do so, set Sugester on your own domain and write down its address here.
  • Private mailbox - mark this box if you want this mailbox to be private. It means that only owner and administrators will be able to see messages sent to and from this mailbox.
  • Active - unmark this checkbox if you don't want to use this email box anymore, but you prefer not to delete it.


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