Advanced search in Inbox

Created: 2018-05-16
Last updated: 2018-05-16

Post view count: 1420

Sugester allows you to improve handling mailbox in company. Thanks to advanced search you will easily find e.g. e-mails sent by particular client, you will also find out who is in charge of assigned tasks or what the deadline is.

Below you'll find description of items that can be adjust for advanced search:


  1. Icon for sorting mails from newest.
  2. Icon for sorting mails based on their priority (depends on colour of the star used for marking e-mail) .
  3. Assigned to: allows to sort e-mails and tasks by users, who were assigned to particular task or e-mail. E.g. if you were asigned to respond to e-mails, after selecting your name you will see each mail assigned to you. If you leave this field empty, you'll see other users' mails.
  4. Project: if your team's work is devided into projects, by selecting a project in this field you will be able to see all tasks and e-mails connected to the project
  5. Client: thanks to this field you will easily find history of all activities connected to this client, e.g. e-mails history, assigned tasks or errors that client was struggling with.
  6. Folder: select a folder in which you want to find task/e-mail.
  7. Kind: by selecting one of options you will be able to see history of all users' activities. 
  8. Created: in this field you can select name of user, who created e-mail/task and see history of particular user's activities.
  9. Only starred items: tick this checkbox to see e-mails with marked priority only.
  10. Private only: In Sugester some users may not see all e-mails because of limited access (private mailbox). By ticking 'Only private' checkbox you will see titles of all e-mails with 'Private' status, but you can look them up only if you're the owner or administrator. You can learn more by clicking here:
  11. Open/closed: Each e-mail/task, that was sent or done, can be marked as resolved and then archived, so it won't appear in Inbox anymore. Other e-mails will have status 'Open' and will be visible in Inbox. By selecting on of options in this field, you can display particular group of e-mails/tasks that you want to see.
  12. Status:  All e-mails in Inbox, depending on what stage they are, have their own status. E.g. if you want to check, how many new tasks you have, just select the 'New' status.
  13. Mailbox: select if you want to see e-mails assigned to particular mailbox.
  14. Sort by: In this field you can select dates by which Sugester will sort results.
  15. Forum: allows you to search for all posts added on Forum and Knowledge Base - each post is saved in mailbox.
  16. Assigned since: select time in which task/e-mail was assigned to someone
  17. Last modified on: choose if you want to find activities modified in selected time
  18. Added on: in this field you can select period of time in which task/e-mail was added.
  19. Entries per page: you can select how many search results will be displayed.
  20. Tags: search by tags
  21. Post number: if you remember, just type in post's number.


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