Emails' drafts

Created: 2016-03-11
Last updated: 2019-07-05

Post view count: 1637

Sugester saves drafts of posts and emails you create automatically every minute, so your content won't disappear, even if you close your browser by mistake, or reload the page.

You can see all drafts by clicking on More in Inbox, by the left side of the screen. Then select Drafts.

Email's draft will stay in the system for 7 days.
After this time it will be automatically erased from the folder.
You can also delete a draft manually - just mark the checkbox by the post and click on trash icon.


Account's owner and administrator will see an arrow by the Draft folder.
After unfolding you can choose, if you want to see just your own drafts, or all drafts.

Remember, that users only see their own drafts.
If a user doesn't have an access to 'no department' information, then draft will be assigned to the first department, where a user is assigned.
If a draft won't have a title, then it will be titled 'No title'.


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