Learn new features: easy way to delete/edit a note, separate lists for active/inactive email templates, small changes in timesheet

Created: 2018-12-06
Last updated: 2018-12-07

Post view count: 1308

For a past week we've been working on few system's updates. You can check results below:) Enjoy!

1. Easy way to delete/edit a note in client's profile

In client's profile you can easily write down the most important information about a client with our notes. You can add as many notes as you wish. Each of them will not only contain an info, but also a date and creator's name. Until now it was quite tricky to edit/delete a note. From now on you will find a wrench icon next to each note. It enables you to edit/delete a note in easy and fast way.

About notes you can learn more here: Adding notes to clients.


2. Separate lists for active/inactive email templates

Templates divided into active and inactive - it's not new. But from now on you can display them in two separate lists. Until now all templates were displayed together, which was quite inconvenient. Now, after selecting emails templates, by default you will see active templates only, unless you select 'Inactive' in a browser by the left side of the list. Small change, but quite helpful:)

Learn more about email templates here: Active/Inactive email templates

3. Change in 'User' column in timesheet

In timesheet, there's a User column, where the system shows you, for whom the template was generated. Until now, only user's login was displayed, which sometimes wasn't very clear - especially when it was hard to identify a user. Now we're displaying name and last name, so you won't make a mistake anymore:).

Learn more about timesheet here: Timesheet - working hours.

4. Merging clients by domain

In client's profile there's a field 'Domain'. If you fill this field with client's domain, all emails from this domain are assigned to this client. It's very convenient, even if a client writes you a message from a different address, system will pin this address to a client, who already exists in the system and has the same domain. This week we've expended this feature with outgoing emails as well. It means, that when you send email to a new address, which is not in the CRM yet, but has the same domain as other client's email addresses, then the email will be assigned to your client.

Learn more about Merging clients by domain.


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